aaa Holy crap, it's still here! - The lounge forums
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Subject: Holy crap, it's still here!

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Original Message                 Date: 09-Jan-09  @  07:23 AM   -   Holy crap, it's still here!


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It was down so long I just stopped trying after a while.

I still talk with Beds every now and then on IRC, but who else is still around?

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Message 21/76             10-Mar-09  @  10:51 PM     Edit: 10-Mar-09  |  10:53 PM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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decided that i'm going to let you all in on a little secret. it's probably similar in the UK and
elsewhere but in the states we watch our favorite tv series like sex and the city, 24, burn
notice, nip tuck, the simpsons etc. the frustrating thing about these shows is the producers
come out with new seasons that run for about 16 weeks and once a season is finished you
have to wait 8 months before the next season starts. here's the secret.....that's why i watch
the weather channel. not only does a new season start every 3 months but there is no pause
between the previous season and the next season. one day it's one season and the next day
it's the new season and it picks up right where it left off. and a little insider tip for you. next
season doesn't start until march 20th but i've already heard that the clouds will be back.

no need to thank me. i'm always happy to share the kinds of valuable information that never
dawns on most people.

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Message 22/76             03-Jun-09  @  04:58 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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this place still here?

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Message 23/76             03-Jun-09  @  05:44 AM     Edit: 03-Jun-09  |  05:46 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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hey damballah. yeah it's still here. i pop in every now and then. I long for the days when this
forum was hopping and people like Influx, Nobody, Pongoid, Rtek and all the rest of you were
posting about every day. Fun times for sure. I'm not around much so I can't say what kind of
traffic is here these days. How are you doing?

The U.S. still isn't into electronic music much. It sucks really. I frequent bars in Manhattan and
people are still playing either Beyonce, who I like, or old rock tunes on the jukebox. God it kills
me to see people in their early 20s playing the Allman Brothers. That stuff is just old. Was
great in its day but give me a break. When I put money in the box and play some trance or
techno I hear moans. Someone half my age will say, "who played this?". Well they are wall
street bankers there so fuck em. There's one Israeli bartender there who's into trance. He
organizes underground sorts of concerts in NYC. Cool guy and he loves that I'm into this
music. Shares stuff with me and asks my opinion on flyers he makes up. But he's only there
on Sunday nights.

You guys who know me know that I'm too old to be liking electronic music but fuck you all. You
ever watch The Sopranos? Listen to the theme song at the beginning of the show. Around the
3rd verse a synth comes in with bleeps and blips and at the end of the song the synth is the
last thing you hear. I listen to that theme song just for that synth. The song is pretty lame but
the synth is spot on. Power to all of you making electronic vibes. The marriage of music,
mathematics, and passion.

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Message 24/76             03-Jun-09  @  09:19 PM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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well sitar we need to try and get this thing back in the charts so to speak mebbe?

i dunno how the hell do you get the forum to rebuild? i spose everyone who used to be regular comes round now and again, buut i dunno, even track feedback has dropped to almost zero. man. what a shame cos traffic is actualy good. if we coud retain just 10% of new visitors so they regularly revisit the forum it'd be busy as hell

any ideas?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 25/76             04-Jun-09  @  05:25 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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I don't know either K. I guess a lot of the people I knew as regulars have gotten busy with other
things. There was so much talent amongst them. I'm sure the people who come here now are
talented as well. Of course the world is in a mess right now too. I have great hope now that we in
the U.S. have a president with a good mind. Don't want to get political but a lot of people in the U.S.
are struggling from the effects of bad choices. Also heaven knows millions of people are playing
WoW at this very moment lol.

Well what is the dance world like now? I'm not in the U.K. or anywhere else electronic dance has
been flourishing.

If traffic is good on the site maybe ad the forums a bit. promote them as something that might click
as beneficial and fun. This forum, for better or worse lol used to be the place where so many
valuable discussions took place. People couldn't live without this place and I met some of the
members in person which I'll always cherish. Darkstate Marc...we met a few times and had a
blast. I met Pongoid a few times and had a blast. Same with Nobody. In fact Nobody, Pongoid and
another member whose name I can't remember damn it hooked up at a mayday concert. Was

It'll come around again here. I do think you need to promote the forums. people will come. when I
go to the music site it's somehow very separate from this section.

Also, I commented on someone's track a while back from the link I saw when I was listening to her
track. My comment never posted. I tried several times over a period of a few days because I really
liked her track.

And I hope that someday you, Darkstate Marc and me will get a chance to hook up. I have to get
myself to London. Every time I go to Europe I've spent the time hanging with my Munich friends.
Marc is good people. He's got some great friends and a wonderful and beautiful wife.

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Message 26/76             04-Jun-09  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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yeah it's tuff. No-one wants to be the first in the water i spose

if a forum isnt busy, people passing thru see that and dont post themselves.

mind you, even the cm/fm music/tech forums have died too and they have a major mag publisher backing them.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 27/76             06-Jun-09  @  04:54 PM     Edit: 06-Jun-09  |  04:55 PM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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I stopped going to SoS and FM forums shortly after I found DT. I liked SoS as a magazine.
Was very informative I thought. God I used to sit at my computer laughing my ass off reading
through the posts here. I remember Rteks' comment when it was mentioned autotune was
used on Chers' voice, "I'm glad to see Cher discovered techno". And the time I was reading
through that longest of threads started by some guy that called himself "God" or something
like that. There was a nasty argument and name calling going back and forth. After reading
through probably 50 comments I came to a comment, "I just made the most delicious
mushroom omelette mmmmm. Oh sorry. Wrong discussion". I almost fell off my chair. That
was the first thing I saw posted by Nobody. Sometime later Nobody sent me an email that said
"I'm gonna kill you" with a large photo of a 45 caliber bullet pasted in the body of the email. I
sent the picture back to him with the word "ricochet". It was the beginning of a friendship lol.

Anyway, I know the site is better now. I guess just the forum chatter has dropped.

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Message 28/76             07-Jun-09  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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lol, Nobody used to crack me up too. off the wall


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 29/76             11-Jun-09  @  05:36 AM     Edit: 11-Jun-09  |  05:41 AM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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You might remember I met him in person a couple of times. He's a very nice guy. Very bright,
rather soft spoken and thoughtful. Oh he's a nut too but he's a nice guy. We had fun shopping
for vinyls and one time hanging with the great Pongoid.

I know I must have said this already a long time ago but first of all I'm an older guy but
whenever I went to a techno concert or an underground concert I met the nicest people one
can imagine. One of the 2 times I went to see Pongoid perform was an underground concert
in Manhattan. I arrived early, paid the cover, went in and headed to the bar. After a couple of
beers I went out the back door into the parking lot to have a smoke then went around front and
walked in again and went back to the bar. Two guys came up to me and said I had to pay the
cover charge. Before I could open my mouth a girl jumped in and told them I already paid. I
was like...who the hell is this? Turned out I was supposed to have gotten my hand stamped
when I paid but it wasn't set up when I arrived. She then sat with me and talked for a while.
She was one of the organizers. A real sweetheart. When I saw Orbital the first time a girl
came up to me and started asking me all kinds of questions. I think she thought I was a
producer or something lol. I'm 55 now but I know when I go again to a concert the 20 year olds
are going go out of their way to be nice to me. It's quite moving actually. The world of
dance music is a great world. I can't say enough about it.

And of course there's Marc Darkstate who you know. What a great guy. And what a character

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Message 30/76             11-Jun-09  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: Holy crap, it's still here!


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yeah, it's shame everyone deserted the place tho. very sad.

actualy there was a documentary about Iran on tv recently. About how 60-something perecent of iranians are under 25 or whatever and showing how they cope in that reality and about change etc

one Iranian guy was a rapper called... Nobody - heh heh, i thought.. could it be him? he didnt want to talk much on the docu' cos he's not got many fans in government and his music is illegal i think

it's here, but only for a few more days then the bbc take it down

the 'Nobody' section starts at about 8:30 if you dont want to watch the whole thing

Apparently 'Nobody' in persian is 'Hichkas' - here's the same song as in the bbc docu with a video and ebveything - good music as it goes

anyways, you doing any music or what?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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