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Subject: graphic eq on final mix?

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Original Message                 Date: 20-May-02  @  12:00 PM   -   graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 76

Link?:  No link
File?:  No file i was at this party saturday night, i played my cd and all the ladies thought i was wonderful and "very talented" but something about the mix bothered me. the bass and high end were adequate but most of the details which reside in the mid range were buried. f*ck if i knew where to find the eq controls...

anyway would i ruin anything by running it through a graphic eq (soundforge)? just to sort of nudge it to where i want, nothing drastic...

please dont say "mix it again"

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Message 21/40             21-May-02  @  12:17 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 215

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Well, if you're not angry, for god sake stay that way. Too many angry little munchkins online, anyhow.

Have a good day.

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Message 22/40             21-May-02  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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my man, what the hell are you talking about?

I didnt say jack except that someone who uses a finalizer as their sole "mastering" tool is really kinda missing the point..

maybe in conjunction with other gear. dunno.

not quite sure why youre trying to talk shit to me directly, but..hey..its all good. You can flap your gums all day long, and call me stupid names all you want.

and you DID say "if you want to be a master at masterint get a quantuum or Finalizer"

that is just utter nonsense.

oh..and my mixes sound FINE thank you. Before AND after.

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Message 23/40             21-May-02  @  01:09 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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I just re-read all this crap and I still cant see where you decided to look at me.

just...don't, ok? don't start talking shit, don't insinuate anything about my age, experience level, or ANYTHING, aight?

"white boy"


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Message 24/40             21-May-02  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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oh, and you MIGHT want to be careful slingin that "paint by numbers" shit around based on the ONE track you have to back it up.

(which..btw...I DID like, and still think it sounds good but you aint no pathfinder groundbreakin genre-defying phenom either so just put that shit away with the weak attempts at personal attacks, ok?)

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Message 25/40             21-May-02  @  01:36 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 215

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79% of that wasn't even aimed at you influx. I can tell that you know what you're talking about because of the way your work sounds.

When dambalah always turns up and gets pissy on me NO MATTER what has been said, then I get upset and go find some dirt to see if he's actually worth arguing with.

So, I said some stupid shit that got jumped on and another thread goes shitwards. Damn. At least it's stopped raining.

Sorry chroma!


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Message 26/40             21-May-02  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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bad day boo?  

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Message 27/40             21-May-02  @  01:53 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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hehe. I came back to edit what I had said cuz theres no point...but I wasnt logged in for the first ones...

as for D..well...I'd like to offer the possibility that maybe he DOES know what he's talking about?

and...that he has more experience with this stuff than most of us here? AND that, maybe, you havent listened to some other 'artists' he has 'influenced' like Guards of Magog (Electro/Breaks), or DJ Consuelo (hehe...defies definition), or Bass Pro Shops (blippy bloopy speedbass?)

so...yeah..lets all take a breath and calm down did say something about liking the mix, but then you DIDNT like it at the party?

DONT go "fix" it because of that!!!!! Graphic EQs are good for that sort of thing..youre in a venue and you want more 100hz on the system or whatever...but do NOT change your mix drastically just because it sounded different somewhere

it will NEVER sound the same across the board..just impossible to do

best thing is the age-old comparison, where you just get your mix done and go and check it on as many systems as possible and strive for the best balance.

but..if youre mixing for a club...then you want it to sound best on a club system, or if youre mixing for home listening, then you want to try to hear in on a couple different systems..boom an audiophile's listening station?

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Message 28/40             21-May-02  @  01:54 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


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oh..and...yeah...I do still like your track even with the annoying 4 on the floor kick drum 

I suspect that it would do well on vinyl!

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Message 29/40             21-May-02  @  02:12 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 215

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Bad day?? It's monday! How can it NOT be a bad day??  

Glad we're back on topic, though!


Influx never fails to astound me. Sometimes, I think he's the devil and then he turns out to actually be Jesus with a devil mask, and then he takes of the mask and he's the devil again. Gotta love it, though.  

But I DO think dambalah is a bit mean and follows me around and stuff. Maybe I'm just paranoid? Shouldn't bring knives to a gunfight, though eh? Not very Irie, is it?

Well, Hurrah!


...It all ended up ok in the end, didn't it kids?

Yeah, listen to the mix absolutely everywhere. In the car, in a boom box, on headphones, on a computer, on a sound system, In your friends 400 watt Car Stereo. A good mix should sound good almost everywhere. If you hear a weakness in the mix on MOST systems, then it's probably best to fix the actual mix on a per track basis, rather than eq-ing the whole thing, but I'm probably wrong.

Thanks for being honest Influx. My tracks OK, has had some interest, but I've decided to bury it. It's not what I want to sound like anymore.

I'd better not post here again.


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Message 30/40             21-May-02  @  03:06 AM   -   RE: graphic eq on final mix?


Posts: 7627

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my point was that Damballah really isnt mean..just even less tolerant than I am...

me? Devil? For what?

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