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Subject: To 01v, or not to 01v

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Original Message 1/23             26-Feb-02  @  02:52 AM   -   To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 15

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Sorry about the title...

Having DJ'ed around for the best part of 7 years now, I've decided to try my hand at the production end of things. My studio consists simply of a Nord Lead 2, an EMU E-5000 sampler, and a Boss Dr. 660 drum machine. After running all of these through a Soundcraft Folio F1(14/2), I've found myself out of channels on the mixer. So, it appears it's about time to upgrade. After doing a little homework (thanks Dancetech), I'm not sure if I should stay in the analog domain with a Mackie 1604, or drain my bank account and get a Yamaha 01v. With all of the features offered by the 01v (4-band parametric EQ, effects, dynamics processor, etc.) it seems like an easy choice to make.
However, I am currently using a Delta 44 audio card in my computer, which doesn't have a digital capabilities. It appears most people using the 01v try to keep the signal digital. I'm sure all of the A/D-D/A conversions between my analog gear going through the 01v to cubase will play havoc with sound quality. Alternaly, the Mackie desk will give me more than enough inputs/outputs, plus avoid the need for all those A/D-D/A conversions, plus give me more headroom when recording.

Any advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. If there is anything else you need to know about my setup please ask away. Thanks for all your help,


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Message 2/23             26-Feb-02  @  05:36 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 7627

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dont sweat the ad/da thing. sure..its degradation, but SLIGHT!!!!

the stuff you can do with an O1v..jeez. dont forget the 2 onboard FX, recall of mixes (no more takin pictures of knobs )


thing mention draining your account...are you talkin new? 1604vlz pro is $800?

If youre in the states and youre patient you could score an O1v for that amount, easy

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Message 3/23             26-Feb-02  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


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Wow, those things are like $1500 2nd hand on this end for sure... been wondering the exact same thing as Richard.


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Message 4/23             26-Feb-02  @  07:29 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


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I got one with adat once for $900

sure, I sold it, but theyre out there

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Message 5/23             26-Feb-02  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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It sounds like you may be better off with a tascam td-100. I think thats the name. It sports some dynamic, eq's etc, but has quality 20bit ad like the 01v and at $400 new when they were blowing them out, you should be able to find one used for even less. One thing to remember. A good analog mixer can add some nice distorion to a bass kick etc, that a digital mixer can't. For the money the 24 bit behringer DDX 3216 has got my vote. It's only a few hundred more than an o1v. It has two card slots for additional i/o and fx. There is a "Behringer DDX3216 DIGITAL 32CH Mixer NIB
Item # 1517061853" for sale on e-bay only at $1250 right now with no reserve and only 19 hours left! , Brett

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Message 6/23             26-Feb-02  @  10:02 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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the tascam is the TM-d1000. on ebay for $250!

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Message 7/23             27-Feb-02  @  01:03 AM     Edit: 17-Mar-02  |  12:40 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 437

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Actually, Brett, the 01v is capable of adding quite a few interesting noises if you set the input gain a bit too high. Maybe not analog, but certainly interesting.

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Message 8/23             27-Feb-02  @  01:04 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 437

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Oh, and I agree about that new Behringer. It really looks like a killer.

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Message 9/23             27-Feb-02  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 15

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Thanks to everyone for your advise. The Behringer is definatly out of my price range, although I would take Brett's advise and snap one up if I had the cash.

I have checked the prices on ebay and the 01v's are going for $850ish while the TM-D1000's are about $350ish. On paper the mixers look about the same, with the 01v having better EQ's. Is that it, and is that worth $500? Surely there must be something I am missing.

Thanks again for your help, it's really appreciated.

- Richard

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Message 10/23             27-Feb-02  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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I looked at the TM-D1000 before i bought my o1v. It is a much more basic mixer. I don't belive the faders are automated or that it has options for additional i/o. The eq's and dynamic are only available on certain tracks. You get like 8 instances or somthing. It's been a while since it was in front of me. But the price was rediculously low. You shouldn't pay more than $300 for one as they were selling new for $400 last year! But as a good entry level mixer it will do a good job, If you upgrade your sound card to a TDIf like the egosys audio terminal , you would have a nice multi i/o set up. I am pretty possitive that it has the tdif i/o on it. If you are just looking for a good mixer for synths etc. The tascam will do fine. You might want to get a cheap tube direct box eventually to warm stuff up. I find that my synths could definatly use it. I am getting a fatman , they are only a few hundred used for the mic/preamp. I read a pretty good review on it for the money. By buying the cheaper mixer you caould afford a nice tube input device.

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