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Subject: To 01v, or not to 01v

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Feb-02  @  02:52 AM   -   To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 15

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Sorry about the title...

Having DJ'ed around for the best part of 7 years now, I've decided to try my hand at the production end of things. My studio consists simply of a Nord Lead 2, an EMU E-5000 sampler, and a Boss Dr. 660 drum machine. After running all of these through a Soundcraft Folio F1(14/2), I've found myself out of channels on the mixer. So, it appears it's about time to upgrade. After doing a little homework (thanks Dancetech), I'm not sure if I should stay in the analog domain with a Mackie 1604, or drain my bank account and get a Yamaha 01v. With all of the features offered by the 01v (4-band parametric EQ, effects, dynamics processor, etc.) it seems like an easy choice to make.
However, I am currently using a Delta 44 audio card in my computer, which doesn't have a digital capabilities. It appears most people using the 01v try to keep the signal digital. I'm sure all of the A/D-D/A conversions between my analog gear going through the 01v to cubase will play havoc with sound quality. Alternaly, the Mackie desk will give me more than enough inputs/outputs, plus avoid the need for all those A/D-D/A conversions, plus give me more headroom when recording.

Any advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. If there is anything else you need to know about my setup please ask away. Thanks for all your help,


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Message 11/23             27-Feb-02  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 7627

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the tascam has way less inputs stock, but there are expansions. Ive known folks that used the TM-D1000 and were quite happy

I still say O1v if you can afford it

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Message 12/23             27-Feb-02  @  03:45 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Richard Gunsenhouser

Posts: 15

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Option 01v:

What seems to be the budget digital desk standard (for dance music at least). 4 band parametric EQ's, usable FX and dynamics, more inputs/outputs out of the box with excellent routing options, and a relatively easy interface.

Option TM-D1000:

About 1/3 the price of the competition. Everything else falls short of the 01v. But with all of it's shortcomings will the TM-D1000 get the job done?

My main concern is buying a mixer, then finding out that I've outgrown it in a few months. I would hate to have to spend more time and money on upgrading again.

Thanks again, and by the way influx... yes I am kidding about the new wife. She's really cool and supportive of everything I do.

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Message 13/23             27-Feb-02  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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shit, if I had the money to upgrade to the behringer, I would sell you my o1v. Can you wait a month?

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Message 14/23             27-Feb-02  @  04:01 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Richard Gunsenhouser

Posts: 15

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Yep, what you askin?

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Message 15/23             27-Feb-02  @  04:19 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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I would have to see what they are bringing. It's never left it's perch for the year I have had it. Also I have to see what the beringers are bringing. E-mail me through my home page.

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Message 16/23             27-Feb-02  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 7627

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I just saw an O1v with adat for $999

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Message 17/23             27-Feb-02  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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I don't have the adat my8ad. I would probably take $850. It cost me $1499 a year ago. That hurts, but The mixers I am looking at were $10k new and selling for $3k now so it's relative. But I need to have another lined up, and it's my remote for my synths. It has four programable banks that I put all my sysex info for my mks-80 in so I wouldn't have to buy a controler for $500. I didn't think about that.

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Message 18/23             28-Feb-02  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Soul Survivor

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One thing to be aware of with the O1v though is it has a very distinct bright sound. I would advise hearing one first to get an idea of what I mean. A freind of mine who produces Drum and Bass was using one for quite a while and found that when he came round to hearing his tune on a club PA the sound was just too toppy and "harsh". It might just be a subjective thing or even bad EQing but its something to take into consideration with all digital mixers, that you will use a lot of the warmth that comes with analogue.

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Message 19/23             28-Feb-02  @  08:58 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 7627

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'sides, tis nothing a good analog processor wouldnt kill. I run my mixes through a meek C2 and that takes care of that 

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Message 20/23             28-Feb-02  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


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when mastering to vinyl, the engineer should be sending it through a good analog eq and compressor. Also you need to relize that most vinyl masters are sent through a process that sums the low end and convetrts it to mono to prevent out of phase issues from creating intercuts on the wax. This often will change the sound considerable if the producer making the track and the engineer didn't monitor in mono when mixing there bass. Some bass sounds fat out of phse, then switch to mono it just disappears.

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