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Native Instruments FM7


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Native Instruments FM7

Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 02-Mar-02  |  Author: admin

New price: € 289 euro's  |   S/H price: Not listed

Native Instruments FM7

Ok... I'm adding FM7 into the listings for now... This is a mirror for FM7 as a 'VSTi' because it comes as a VSTi, DXI & 'stand-alone' as do all NI's top eysnths like Reaktor, Pro52 & Battery etc... Ok... I'm adding FM7 into the listings for now...

I have FM7 and have spent quite a bit of time with it... all I can say until a review goes up, is that it rocks, really really you wont beleive it's a s/w synth... it's like playing a top-end synth with pads & textures of exquisite detail & depth (especialy with the very good built in reverbs) - You get FM style log drums for example, but with a sensitivity & depth you never would beleive, making them immediatly viable as quality percussion parts for trance and other styles...

There's also a full compliment of classic old rave, trance & techno leads & besides super-deep but super-graphicaly clear editing the FM7 also loads up original DX patches...

FM's got alot of variety because it's like playing a modeller for certain sounds... with super-expressive electric piano's, and tons of classic FM styles... I was blown away totaly by FM7... This ones up there with the cream of s/w synths... a trance techno dream software & more besides....

can I get a witness?... please add any comments below... this thing is phenomenal!...

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Product:  Native Instruments - FM7
Name: Jess Rhodes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 24-Apr-02

Yeah, I've been playing with the demo for about a month now, and I, too, am totally floored by this thing. The 31 waveforms in addition to sine as possible operators really makes this thing open up. The power and complexity of this thing is just now dawning on me. This little synth can be surprisingly warm as well; the oscillator drift emulation and unison mode are excellent tools for warming up the signal. I, for one, am very, very impressed. And I don't even have the full version yet!

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Product:  Native Instruments - FM7
Name: anonymous
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Feb-03

FM7 is the ultimate FM synthesizer. FM7 is like the Yamaha DX and TX series synths (such as the DX7), but it provides so much more, such as 32 operator waveforms for the 6 standard operators, distortion and filter operators, stereo sound and a delay effect. A very flexible envelope is available for each operator and the pitch capability. The operators can be connected to other operators at will, leading to all kinds of sonic peace or war. The “easy edit” page allows you to alter several related parameters with one slider, which makes it easy to experimentally find new sounds.

FM7 has about 300 fine-quality presets, and about 128 DX7 presets. There are thousands of Yamaha DX and TX series presets on the internet that can be downloaded into FM7, but this is not as useful as you might think. Although FM7 faithfully reproduces the Yamaha presets, they sound flat in FM7. You’ll have to add delay, stereo width, and perhaps the distortion or filtering operator before your preset matches the vividness of the usual FM7 preset.

I could nitpick some aspects of the user interface, but overall, it's a great piece of software ... well worth the money.

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Product:  Native Instruments - FM7
Name: Chris Sorenson
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-Nov-11

[quote] Jess Rhodes wrote: Yeah, Ive been playing with the demo for about a month now, and I, too, am totally floored by this thing. The 31 waveforms in addition to sine as possible operators really makes this thing open up. The power and complexity of this thing is just now dawning on me. This little synth can be surprisingly warm as well; the oscillator drift emulation and unison mode are excellent tools for warming up the signal. I, for one, am very, very impressed. And I dont even have the full version yet! [/quote] Jess Rhodes, this is Chris from West LA, I am searching for you. Please contact me at sorensound at hotmail. Hope all is well my long lost friend!

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