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Yamaha MD4S


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Yamaha MD4S

Category:  Products / studio equipment / digital multitrack

Added: 15-Mar-02  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: Not listed

Yamaha MD4S

YAMAHA MD4 S 4-track Mini-Disc Multitrack Recorder, comfortable digital editing, mixing and cutting functions, Jog & Shuttle, MMC, MD-Data Media!

Released 1999 - Building on the technology found in Yamaha's industry-leading MD8 Multitrack Recorder, the MD4S sets a new standard of price/performance for an entry-level digital four-track. The MD4S is scheduled to ship in February, 1999.

"Multitrack digital recording has never been this easy," states John Schauer, product manager, Pro Audio Group. "The interfacing features, sonic quality and ease-of-use place the MD4S at the head of the home recording pack."

Perfect for those just starting out in digital recording, the MD4S features a comprehensive mixing section coupled with a high-quality recorder based on ATRAC Generation 4.5 technology. This advanced digital encoding technique delivers a frequency response of 20 Hz - 20 kHz, making the MD4S ideal for recording situations in which sonic quality is of the utmost importance.

The MD4S's mixing section provides enough power and flexibility to handle even the most demanding recording situations. Channels one and two of the unit's eight-input mixer provide balanced XLR connectors in addition to 1/4-inch jacks. This extensive connectivity allows the MD4S to accept professional-level microphones as well as a wide assortment of musical instruments and other sound sources. Channels one and two also feature 1/4-inch insert jacks allowing dynamics units and other audio processors to be placed directly in the signal path.

Channels one through four feature three bands of high-quality equalization providing the user with extensive control over tone and timbre. To make the use of external signal processors as easy as possible, Yamaha has provided the MD4S with two auxiliary sends on each of the first four channels. Two stereo inputs are also provided. These can be used as effect returns or called into service for the quick connection of stereo sources such as drum machines, tone generators and synthesizer workstations.

The MD4S also features advanced synchronization capabilities, making it a simple matter to integrate the unit with most electronic music production equipment. MTC Slave Sync, MIDI Machine Control and MIDI Song Pointer are among the many sync functions fully supported by the MD4S. This extensive support for external synchronization also allows the MD4S to be linked to other multitrack digital recorders, such as Yamaha's own MD8, so as to increase the number of available tracks, or to easily integrate into a MIDI studio where some acoustic recording is required.

A wide variety of editing functions are also provided, allowing users to copy, cut and paste audio data, even between songs. In addition, Yamaha has given the MD4S the ability to bounce tracks internally. This feature allows users to take four full audio tracks and mix them down, freeing up 3 tracks for further recording.

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Product:  Yamaha - MD4S
Name: Beaverbob
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Sep-12

Hello bobby here from georgia(USA)
I've owned the Yamaha mds4 for years and have enjoyed recording with it
with no problems.
It's a very versitale machine with endless options and very user friendly
I'm in the market for a newer multi track recorder but frankly I haven't found
one that is as easy to use as my mds4 is .
The only problem I've had of late is a little dust in the potamiters .
If your thinking of purchasing a mds4 I say go for it mate!!!!

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Product:  Yamaha - MD4S
Name: David Zuric
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Dec-13


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Product:  Yamaha - MD4S
Name: DAVID Zuric
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 31-Dec-13

[quote] Beaverbob wrote: Hello bobby here from georgia(USA)Ive
owned the Yamaha mds4 for years and have enjoyed recording with it with
no problems.Its a very versitale machine with endless options and very
user friendly Im in the market for a newer multi track recorder but frankly I
havent found one that is as easy to use as my mds4 is .The only
problem Ive had of late is a little dust in the potamiters .If your thinking of
purchasing a mds4 I say go for it mate!!!! [/quote]

Hi mate. Can one input an MP3 backing track in one of those Yamaha MD4
channels and then sing over it?


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Product:  Yamaha - MD4S
Name: taffe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 13-Oct-15

hi I have a Yamaha md4 multitrack recorder. wanted to know if there is a disk or program .that can be loaded on to the machine . I lost a lot of software on the os system when it was repaired by Yamaha some time a go. the md4 works but some of the things that worked before don't now . thank you.

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Product:  Yamaha - MD4S
Name: Joel
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 26-Apr-18

Just to get a manual of this device

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