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Yamaha QX-5


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Yamaha QX-5

Category:  Products / studio equipment / hardware sequencer

Added: 22-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: £ 50 - 130 depending on luck & location

Yamaha QX-5

This was the baby I used, easier than the LED readout models, with a 16 x 2 backlit LCD screen. Plenty of memory, approximately 20,000 notes, 8 separate tracks, which you can switch in and out as it plays..
The QX-5 uses up to 32 'macro functions'..... A macro is like a group track part in Cubase.... simply a reference to a group of notes, such as a drum beat, or hookline... so you can compose in a pattern based way and blend it with linear real-time programming....

Audio click output, punch in/out, auto locate, step recording & edit, FSK sync in/out, tape or midi save/load, assignable foot switch jack, and extensive midi re-channelizing / midi input filtering.
The QX5 can save or load it's data via midi for use with such devices as computers, disk drives such as the MDF-1 (below) or even the DX7IIFD's drive..... a great cheap unit... although the FD version is preferable cos of the disk-drive, although you can load up from your software sequencer before gigs or mixing or whatever.....

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Product:  Yamaha - QX-5
Name: Bastiaan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 05-Aug-99

asdasff af afe fafeaf aefaf af
afa we er f af asdf ref sfg sd
sdg seg gsdg sdgisd gsdg sdg sdg

now THAT'S dutch!

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Product:  Yamaha - QX-5
Name: Frank Riley
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Apr-02


I have just bought a Yamaha QX5 and would like to know how to use it. I do not have a manual and would appreciate any help you can give me.

P.S. I am a beginner, so try to use simple terms, please.


Frank Riley

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Product:  Yamaha - QX-5
Name: x20
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 21-Jun-02

my computers have crashed (boot sectors self destruct) and so ive borrowed this thing and am now in the same boat, my mate has a manual but hes lost it. if it turns up then i may be able to answer some questions, but in the meantime - help!

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Product:  Yamaha - QX-5
Name: k
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 23-Jun-02

it's been years since I used one daily, it is easy when you learn it and you can work really fast - the basic's youy neeed are all printed on top of the unit. I looked for the manual but cant find it right now, but you go into detail edit and step thru the data then use edit to adjust the data (note etc) then set the actual parameter for the selected object/step etc.. it's all select & scroll and edit, there is track edit higher up which allows copy & paste & insert etc of chunks of a selected track. Follow the top flow and that'll get you going. You can get a manual at the link.

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