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Yamaha R100


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Yamaha R100

Category:  Products / fx & processors / reverb

Added: 17-Oct-01  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 70 quid or so

Yamaha R100

We used the r100 in one band i worked with. It's a competent budget reverb i'd say... it's got a 12k bandwidth which is a little up on the Microverb 1's 10k, so it's crispy enuff. It has Midi In socket and you can assign FX to patch numbers and select them from a sequencer etc. There is also a footswitch bypass for it... Once you've selected from the reverb types you can adjust pre-delay, reverb decay time & HF damping... the max reverb time goes up to 99 seconds, for looneyville reverb times... In Delay mode you can adjust the decay time for L/R channel up to 500ms or 250ms in stereo & a seperate time for each channel... it's a fairly simple straightforward midi fx unit that does really just reverbs and delays, but it also has a few combi programmes - nothing great, but useable for sure & for live gigs the midi changing could be a boon... short reverbs are best, the rooms & drum sounds which might make it ideal for that... but it's quite a budget sound for the gigger reverbs...

User comments please... The R100 a cheapie midi programmable verb & delay box.

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: Peter
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Jun-02

I am looking for a copy of a user manaual for a Yamaha R100 reverb unit. Do you have any suggestions?

Regards Peter

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: admin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Jun-02

checkout that link. pdf format.

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: ANNA
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 11-Oct-02


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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: Tim
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 18-Apr-03

I have an R100 for sale in good condition. It comes with a full (but scruffy) instruction manual. There is no power supply but one can be purchased for about £5. Price: £50 or thereabouts. Please feel free to contact me on tym_ed@yahoo.co.uk

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: xtsaxmanx 'JJ'
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 24-Oct-09

Hi People, could someone help?? I have a R100 that I use for my tenor sax and wonder what foot pedal I could use with it please..

Many thanks

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: ron
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Sep-10

hallo mischien een gekke vraag maar kan ik via de R100 ook zingen en zo een mooie Galm creeren,?

ik wil hem nl voor mijn geluids kaart pc zetten

gr Ron

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: krim
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Apr-13

I' m a guitarist using the R 100 as a delay in my pedal board. It works very well, sounds good and especially the two outputs are very useful if you want to split the signal. Now when I switch it on, it shows a message in the display:
E 4. I think it stands for Error Number 4. Maybe there is a little buffer batterie inside to hold on the stored parameters. Do anyone knows if that is correct or what the reason could be? Is it described in the manual (I don't have one)?

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: krim
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 15-Apr-13

I'm using the Boss FS-5U with my R 100 which is a little expensive (around 30 EUR just for a switch) but very solid. Just google on 'Boss FS-5U'

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Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: Phil King
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-May-13

[quote] krim wrote: I m a guitarist using the R 100 as a delay in my
pedal board. It works very well, sounds good and especially the two outputs
are very useful if you want to split the signal. Now when I switch it on, it
shows a message in the display: E 4. I think it stands for Error Number 4.
Maybe there is a little buffer batterie inside to hold on the stored
parameters. Do anyone knows if that is correct or what the reason could be?
Is it described in the manual (I dont have one)?Thanks [/quote][quote]
krim wrote: I m a guitarist using the R 100 as a delay in my pedal
board. It works very well, sounds good and especially the two outputs are
very useful if you want to split the signal. Now when I switch it on, it shows
a message in the display: E 4. I think it stands for Error Number 4.
Maybe there is a little buffer batterie inside to hold on the stored
parameters. Do anyone knows if that is correct or what the reason could be?
Is it described in the manual (I dont have one)?Thanks [/quote]

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Last added comment

Product:  Yamaha - R100
Name: Phil King
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 07-May-13

Hi, As you may have learned by now, there is, indeed, an internal battery for
memory storage. The manual recommends that an authorized tech remove &
replace it. I have seen posted comments suggesting the battery might be
spot welded, but can be dealt with, carefully, by owner/operator. You will
also need to know how to perform a factory reset. (Contact Yamaha). Also, if
you haven't found the owners manual, simply google Yamaha R100 for
viewing and/or downloading. Hope this helps.

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