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Category:  Products / audio interfaces / soundcards (analog, adat, s/pdif)

Added: 19-Apr-99  |  Author: admin

New price: £129 ish  |   S/H price: I got mine for 50 squids in LOOT !!


Even though the DB50 XG is a daughterboard, it's an amazing synth....... The sounds are used for 80% of the CS1X sounds....so check it, cos this is almost a CS1X on a card at a quarter of the price !!.........

I have included it in all the budget PC systems, because when combined with the XG EDIT software or the Wunderbar XG-300 s/w editor, to give you some control, it really comes into it's own.... I mean really !!....

You can go direct to the DB50 XG webpage to check the specs, and download a demo of the XG Edit software.... but this here is my impression of the card and how I use it.

The DB50 XG draws from the older TG33 synth engine......previous to getting it, I had an Alesis SR16, and a couple of samplers for my drum sounds, and had also been checking out the Roland R70 quite alot.
Well all I can say is that once you get the XG Edit software to go with it, the little Yammy pisses on the competition. The kit sounds,especially the analogue kit, are as good as the Roland R70, and better by far than the Alesis, but with the software, it really kiks in, and the control you get is excellent.

First, you don't have seperate outs for the drums on the card; but with the software, you can select each individual drum, and not only add reverb, from a choice of all editable reverb presets, but also for each kit sound you can :

Tune up or down by rediculous amounts and pan . Envelope adjust, attack, hold, decay and release...( You can get wicked booming 808 kiks ). Adjust resonance and filter cut-off, and add chorus, to really spread out those hats.....
All in all you can create wacky sounds that don't sound like anything if you want to.

Anyway, that's pretty much par for the course for all the other presets as well. And of course you can save all your edits, and it's all on screen, so no grovelling over tiny LCD windows !...... The quality of some of the pads and twiddly stuff is excellent, as good as stuff I've got in a few expensive keyboards I own, and well good enuff for a whole range of dance styles.... Hey, or not even dance.

Now when you put that with the price.........It's a joke.....and people are always surprised when I tell them it's the PC card making the sound/s.......

I now use the DB50 all the time for my analogue kit.....I used to load stuff into the K2000, but not any more, the only thing it doesn't have is 909, so I add a snare and kik from the sampler.............100% recommended.......BUT you got to get the editing software,... (I recommend the XG300, cos you get a massive bunch of ready to go presets as well as great easy editing...... do yourself a favour !!.....

Finally..... check out the DB50-XG 1/4" output conversion so you can by-pass the soundcard outputs, and get the DB50 sounds out on juicey dedicated 1/4" jack sockets..... this not only gets better sound quality from the DB50XG... But also means your h/disk audio can be isolated for a 4 channel mix..... seperate stereo audio out's from the soundcard, and stereo DB50XG out's as well !!....... Check it out in the ARTICLES section.... (although, if i've done me coding right, it should be listed in the RELATED-ARTICLES box below........ Check the RA demo... and believe !!!

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: Muha
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 04-Aug-99

I'm considering purchasing a YAMAHA 128XG PCI A3D Sound Card and was wondering if I could use the XG edit programs with that card as well.. It comes with a certificate saying that its got all teh XG stuff on there...
I just hooked up with a great deal on it ($20!!)
Any help is appreciated

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: bastiaan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 06-Aug-99

i think you can lalthough it is rather limited on some of the specs (less ram and stuff) and i've hear a lot of people complain about computers crashing and stuff with this card, On the other hand 20$ for a great xg card is dirt-cheap anyway, so why the hell not buy it.

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: Muha
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 19-Aug-99

Well.. I got my Yamaha 128XG card, and installed all the software for it.. and
well WOW.. the demo's are great.. but.. any of the programs that came with it besides the demo showing it off, everything else LOCKS MY COMPUTER UP!

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: dave
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 02-Apr-00

kilo is SO right about this card. i got mine for 25 quid (knocked the bloke down from 50) - i was going to buy a cs1x when they first came out, but i thought, hey, let's save 475 quid and get a db50. the pads, basses, synthy stuff is really good with quite a nice filter - the drums are just ridiculous (see what kilo said!)
i have used this card for every track i've written. god it's good.

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: poo eater
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 02-Apr-00

why dont the RA work?

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Product:  YAMAHA - DB50XG
Name: k
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 03-Apr-00

Ah !.. The servers are being re-located - soon it'll be up again on the new server -

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